Everything you need to know about News Buff
Chances are you found this article either by being directly sent it or as a reply to a tweet about something horrible happening that is not getting the coverage it deserved.
I don’t need to tell you how broken news is right now. The misaligned incentives, lack of transparency, creeping biases. I don’t need to tell you this because deep inside you know. You can feel it. Just like I can.
I am trying to fix this with News Buff. An application that I am building to fix the base layer of news: us. The people. Those on the ground, fighting for change and to be heard.
I can’t do this alone, and I need your help. Ideally, if you have the time, I need to talk to people on the ground in any of the various protests going on around the world right now. Sign up here. If you don’t have the 15-20 minutes to spare for a conversation you can help by filling in this research survey.
You can contact me through the survey, or via telegram. For updates follow News Buff on Twitter!